FB / IG: Baby Rhythm newborn photography
Bella Cheng is not an actress. However, she’s a member of One Player Short Ensemble. She loves images, cats and newborn babies.
She has served as theater executive producer for several times, but she mostly focuses on theater photography. Her profession lies in both dynamic image and plane photography, but the latter was prefered.
Since 2017, she started to dabble in newborn photography. Now she is learning how to manage her own “newborn photography studio” well, but meanwhile, she is also active in the theater field.
Welcome to “Wanna Be a Newborn”
FB / IG: Baby Rhythm newborn photography
學歷 淡江大學大眾傳播系 學士 台中技術學院企業管理科 副學士 職務經驗:平面攝影、動態錄影、影像剪接、劇場行政與執行 影像軟體:Adobe Premiere, Edius, Adobe photoshop, Adobe Lightroom 擅⽤機型:Canon系統 |
平面攝影 [平⾯攝影] 2020 三缺一劇團 國姓爺之夢 兩廳院呈現劇照 臺北藝穗節 Taipei Fringe Festival 劇照(2016-迄今) Baby Rhythm newborn photography 新生兒攝影工作室 攝影師/負責人(2018-迄今) 2019 Baby Rhythm newborn photography⼯作室 攝影師(2018-迄今) 臺北藝穗節 劇照 Taipei Fringe Festival玩聚場Play Arts夏日藝術節-神!精! 活動攝影 2019文化領導力暨工作坊 Taipei Cultural Leadership Forum 活動攝影 國際交響樂團 National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra「樂齡照護工作坊」Here, We Reconnect 活動攝影 糖糖先生的戀愛物語 Mr.sugar fall in love劇照 囝仔⼈劇團Yinalang《灶咖》劇照 飛⼈集社劇團Flying Group《⿊⾊微光》The dark light情境劇照 2018 DearBaby專業親⼦攝影 攝影師(2018/02-2018/10) ⿃語劇團《寵物情劫》Pet劇照(2018) |
個人作品 紀錄片《Re:土地》Re:land(2014) |