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Training & Workshop













In addition to producing and performing theatrical plays, One Player Short Ensemble is also devoted to promoting theatre arts education. The Ensemble believes the core value of drama lies in “being a person”. Not only do professional performers need to get engaged in further studies, but the mass also need drama as a vehicle to rediscover their cohesion between mind and body, creativity, and the ability to think critically.


The Ensemble’s “Representative Workshop” involves workshops developed from the performing aesthetics that One Player Short Ensemble have been researching for years, including the “Animal Transformation” system, which has been developed for seven years, and “Object Theatre Game” and “Creation of Mime”, which are suitable for body training and stimulating imagination. With abundant experience in teaching, the ensemble is, without a doubt, able to tailor these workshops to the needs of different students and to fit different teaching purposes.


“Roving Classroom” first began at the the beginning of 2019 when the ensemble left the rehearsal room that they had based for over seven years and returned to roving around different rehearsal rooms. Since then, they have started the “Roving Classroom” series, which takes place in different places and talks about different topics. Besides workshops taught by members of One Player Short Ensemble, lecturers from the outside are also invited to share their knowledge on certain topics, granting the Roving Classroom more possibilities and more freedom to “roving around the world”.


At the end of 2020, the Roving Classroom evolved into “One Player More”. As the training & workshop system of One Player Short Ensemble, we invite you to join our experiment and research toward performing and creation. Let the curious mind lead us keep going.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you find our training sessions and drama workshops interesting. 

Training Features


默劇創作 Mime Creation

Intro 課程介紹 默劇這個古老的藝術,並不單單指無語言的表演, 相反的,它更在強調凝鍊而詩意的身體語言。 說簡單,默劇是召喚空間並變換形體的魔術(藝術), 如何召喚一片森林、如何一人分飾多角、如何...

三缺一 7 10 月, 2019

動物轉化 Animal Transformation

Intro 課程介紹 你或許從未發現,動物轉化早已充斥你的生活, 卡通裡的唐老鴨,西遊記的的孫悟空,希臘神話的梅杜莎, 甚還有諷刺漫畫裡被畫成驢子的政治人物!   除此之外,遠古的人們也早已開始了動物...

三缺一 7 10 月, 2019

物件遊戲 Object Theatre Game

Intro 課程介紹 孩童時期的我們,都是物件劇場的大師, 餐桌上的飯粒可以排成長長的火車, 媽媽的帽子是遠航的船隻, 窗簾是魔幻的瀑布, 客廳的地板,就是海洋。   一張大白紙,兩塊塑膠布,三根棍子...

三缺一 7 10 月, 2019

One Player More


仨加一。2024 Jan.-Jun. 大眾休閒課程與專業演員表演課程

每半年開張一次的仨加一表演教室來啦!2024 年上半年最新表演課程,有演員賀湘儀給一般大眾上的動物轉化工作坊,也有演員魏雋展所開設的寫實表演的十堂課,還有演員林微弋開設給專業演員的聲音訓練:林克雷特聲音訓練系統 voice…

三缺一 30 12 月, 2023

仨加一。2023Jul.-Nov. 大眾課程與演員聲音表演課程

每半年開張一次的仨加一表演教室來啦!2023 年下半年七到十一月最新表演課程,有演員賀湘儀給一般大眾上的給所有人的表演課,也有演員魏雋展所開設的大叔的當代武術課程,還有演員林微弋開設給專業演員的聲音訓練:林克雷特聲音訓練系統 voice2、voice3、Voice4…

三缺一 13 5 月, 2023

仨加一。2023 Jan.-Jun. 大眾課程與演員表演課程

每半年開張一次的仨加一教室來啦!2023 年上半年 1 月到 6 月的仨加一教室,我們總共開了七門課,有給素人的大眾表演課、武術課。也有給專業演員進修的表演課、聲音課。邀請魏雋展、賀湘儀、林微弋等劇場專業師資,開了林克雷特聲音訓練、動物轉化初階班、給所有人的表演課、大叔的當代武術生存指南等課程。早鳥優惠只到 2/10!等你來三缺一劇團上課~

三缺一 31 1 月, 2023

仨加一。 2022.Jul.-Dec. 大眾課程與專業進修課程

2022 年下半年 7 月到 12 月的仨加一教室,我們總共開了八堂課,開好開滿!其中有 3 門課程是給所有人,有 5 門課是給表演者。有林克雷特聲音訓練、專業寫實表演、大眾入門表演、肢體探索、遊戲即興等課程。早鳥優惠只到 6/20!等你來三缺一劇團上課~~

三缺一 15 6 月, 2022

仨加一。 2021.Aug.-Nov. 半身偶 X 林克雷特

報名表單連結 ★ 給表演者的半身偶工作坊 講師:陳佳豪、梁夢涵 #從製偶到操偶 演員習慣現身,操偶必須隱身;透過操偶的練習,演員必須更了解自己行動與感受的線條和細節,將之傳遞到偶的身上,使偶有生命。半...

三缺一 26 7 月, 2021

仨加一。 2021.Jan.-Jun. 林克雷特 X 動物轉化

★ 林克雷特聲音訓練系統 Voice 1 & Voice 2 講師:林微弋 專為演員設計的聲音訓練,找尋最適合你的說話方式。 由創辦人克莉絲汀‧林克雷特(Kristin Linklater)以超過五十...

三缺一 22 1 月, 2021

Training Tours


第三回 ● 讓聲音自由

專為演員設計的聲音訓練,找尋最適合你的說話方式。 由創辦人克莉絲汀‧林克雷特(Kristin Linklater)以超過五十年的自身教學經驗並與諸多劇團、院校工作後,整匯出最符合戲劇演員聲音需求的訓練...

三缺一 25 6 月, 2020

第二回 ● 與你共度三季


三缺一 7 10 月, 2019



三缺一 12 2 月, 2019