Special Project
在特別企劃裡面,我們會邀請具有不同專業與美學領域的創作者來三缺一劇團進行創作,開啟不同類型的企劃:「Pre-LAB 計畫」培育創作演員們開出新的奇花異草;「基隆海港山城計畫」裡面邀請同是基隆人的周伶芝來擔任策展人,並集結了偶戲、聲響以及攝影等不同領域的創作來為基隆打造全新觀點的藝術季;在「退休戲劇教授和戲班子」的企畫中,請到重量級的退休教授馬汀尼來跟三缺一劇團開啟了邀莎翁遊台灣的莎劇在地化改編,讓我們一起來看看這些有趣的篇章吧!
In Special Project, One Player Short Ensemble invites artists with various aesthetic specialties to create works with them. They have co-created quite a number of projects. The Story of Keelung, for example, has Ling-Chih Chow, who is also from the city of Keelung, as the curator to put together an art festival using a variety of works from different fields such as puppetry, sound effect, and photography, allowing people to see Keelung in a new light. The project of Traveling with Shakespeare in Taiwan (2018), on the other hand, has Tin-Ni Ma, a high-profile retired professor, to adapt William Shakespeare’s plays into versions that are close to Taiwanese audience’s growing background. Let us have a look at what these projects have to offer!